Privacy Policy



当社は、お客様に当社サービスを利用いただく際に、お客様の個人情報をお預かりする場合がございます。 本ポリシーにおいて、個人情報とは、各サービスを通じてお客様からお預かりする氏名、住所、生年月日、電話番号、電子メールアドレス等のお客様個人を識別できる情報及びお客様固有の情報を意味します。 当社は、お客様から個人情報をお預かりする場合は、サービス毎に、利用目的、利用方法、利用範囲、お客様に対する当社の窓口、当社がお客様の個人情報を提供する提携会社(お預かりした個人情報を当社と共有する会社)の範囲等をあらかじめ通知し、またはウェブサイト等に公表した上で必要な範囲の個人情報をお預かりいたします。

当社では、お客様からお預かりした個人情報を、サービス毎に通知または公表した目的で利用しております。当社は、この利用目的の範囲を超えて、お客様の同意無く、個人情報を利用いたしません。 なお、当社では、お預かりした個人情報を年齢分布、趣味嗜好分布、利用履歴等で統計的に処理した上で第三者に提供し、または一般公開する場合がございますが、これらの情報は、個人を特定できるものではございません。

当社は、あらかじめ利用規約等によりお客様の同意を得て、各サービスに必要な範囲内で、当社の提携会社および業務委託先に個人情報を開示する場合がございますが、この場合、当該提携会社および業務委託先が個人情報を漏洩し、再提供する等、あらかじめ定められた利用目的を超えて利用しないように秘密保持契約を締結する等の適切な処置を講じております。 ただし、当社は、裁判所、検察庁、警察等の公的機関の要請、または法令に基づく情報の開示・提供の要請があった場合に限り、これに協力する場合がございます。

当社は、お客様の個人情報の取り扱いに関し、情報の漏洩、滅失、毀損、改ざん、不正アクセス等の防止その他安全管理のために、最大限の努力をもって必要かつ適切な処置を講じております。 当社は、個人情報の取り扱いをする従業員を、利用目的に応じて必要な範囲内に限定しており、サービス毎にお客様の個人情報を取り扱う管理責任者を置くことにより、必要な管理監督を行っております。





2012年1月 制定

Will properly managed in accordance with the present policy of your personal information with a corporate social responsibility to deal with personal information to recognize the importance of personal information entrusted to us from your doppelganger Inc. (the "Company").

Collection of personal information The Company, should you use our service to our customers, there is a case to take your personal information. In this policy, and personal information, it means your information and unique information that can identify you personally name to be from customers through each service, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address and the like. If you want to take your personal information from customers, for each service, the Company, personal information alliance company point of contact for our purpose, usage, utilization range, for our customers, we provide the personal information of customers who entrusted (Contact you will check your personal information in the range required on was published on the web site, or the like, to notify in advance the range of company) to share with our.

2. Purpose of use of personal information
The Company, we have used for the purpose that was published or notification for each service, the personal information you have entrusted to us by our customers. Beyond the scope of this purpose, without the consent of the customer, we will not use personal information. In addition, the Company, there is a case to the general public or to provide to a third party on that had been treated statistically age distribution of personal information that has been entrusted to us, hobbies distribution, in the usage history, etc., but the information these , and may not be personally identifiable.

3. Provision and disclosure of personal information
Without the consent of the customer, the Company will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties.
The Company, with the consent of the customer by the Terms of Use or the like in advance, to the extent necessary in each service, there is a case to disclose personal information to subcontractors and affiliates of the Company, but in this case, the partners and we have taken the appropriate action such as that signed a confidentiality agreement so as not to use more than equal subcontractors leaked personal information, to re-offer, a purpose that has been determined in advance. However, the Company, there are times when it is only if the request of public authorities court, the Public Prosecutor's Office, such as the police, or there is a request for disclosure, the provision of information based on the laws and regulations, to cooperate in this.

4. Safety management of personal information
Regard to the handling of your personal information, for leakage of information, loss, damage, tampering, safety management to prevent other unauthorized access, etc., the Company has taken the action necessary and appropriate to have a maximum effort. By are limited within the range necessary depending on the purpose of use, the employee to the handling of personal information, to put the management responsible for handling your personal information for each service, the Company, the necessary supervision have been made.

5. Correction, suspension of use of personal information
In the case of hope, according to the procedure presented in each service, the Company, please offer a correction, suspension of use with respect to personal information. In our company, after the appropriate identification, we will respond as soon as possible in the range of reasonable.

6. Your personal information under the age of 15
The Company will pay the maximum attention also about protecting your privacy under the age of 15. On the basis of the consent of a parent or guardian, guests under the age of 15, please provide personal information always.

7. Compliance of relevant laws
Per handling of personal information held by the Company, you should comply with the laws and regulations of Japan, we will strive to improve its appropriate.

8. The for improvements and changes of policy
Privacy Policy for (privacy policy), and review its contents as appropriate, the Company will strive to improve. Also, you may want to change the contents without prior notice. Suppose you want to publish on the website as soon as possible in that case.

Established January 2012